
Technology Changes the Way We Communicate

Technology Changes the Way We Communicate

Whether we are sharing photos, directions, or looking up a translation, cellphones are one way to broaden understanding. If tutors have any difficulty explaining a word to a learner, they can simply use a phone to look up a definition, translation, or an image and understanding is immediate. In the photo above, learner Andres shows Sr. Carleen and his tutor photos from his recent trip to Mexico....

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Using Technology to Enhance Language Learning

Using Technology to Enhance Language Learning

The backbone of our literacy program is the Laubach Way to Reading, a phonics-based reading series that guides learners through the sounds of the letters and blends to learn to read, write and speak English. We have always offered computer programs as a way to enhance...

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George Washington Carver

The following paragraph was written by one of our learners in partial completion of Laubach book 4. The question he responded to was. “Which story in Book 4 did I like best and why?” The story and the person that inspired me was: “George Washington Carver—From Slave...

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