When your ESL learner starts her own business and is successfully launched, you want to shout, “Hey, look what just happened!”

Yesenia Arellano, along with her husband Pablo Trejo, are the proud new owners of Blissfield Coney Island Restaurant.

When program director Sister Carleen Maly, technology expert Vicki Schmucker, and tutor Mary Boots popped into the Coney Island to order coney dogs of course, Yesenia greeted the trio with a great big hello and hug. Her personality and genuine interest in her customers is making the young couple’s establishment thrive. It had plenty of diners even in the middle of a weekday afternoon. Yesenia told us that they have about 40 tables between the restaurant and its adjoining tavern which is theirs too. And by the way they are actually in need of workers and are hiring.

Pablo shared that he has always worked in the restaurant business and it was a dream to one day purchase his own restaurant. Well that day came in December 2021. Prior to that Yesenia worked in a greenhouse honing her customer service skills and practicing the English communication skills learned at the Adrian Rea Literacy Center all while mothering their three elementary age children, who of course are learning the restaurant business.

Yesenia exemplifies what happens when an ESL learner shows up every week for tutoring, completes one’s homework routinely, and reads with one’s children nightly. You may even run into them at the public library as they are all library fans and members. We at the Adrian Rea Literacy Center are all so proud of you Yesenia! Congratulations to you and Pablo! Be sure to check out the Coney Island and the B Town Bar and Grill for its delicious food and charming proprietors. ~Mary Boots